Thursday, April 1, 2010

Kill Ronald!

In yet another misguided attempt to curry favor from the fringe left a group of protesters in Chicago think it's necessary to "Kill Ronald Mc Donald" in an effort to fight childhood obesity. Yep, it's the clowns fault...

They believe that the symbolism Ronald invokes is one that encourages kids to eat unhealthy and or fast food. Really? I have said this a thousand times over, bring back physical education!!! PE, remember it? Whats more important for kids sensitivity class or physical education?

I wonder if those morons in Chicago even realized the other benefit of Ronald Mc Donald which helps millions of families with sick children each year, ever heard of the Ronald Mc Donald House? Chances are if you haven't you would know someone with a child that does and or has visited a facility.

I don't diversify my charitable donations at all and the Ronald Mc Donald House is always one of the few I donate to. Everyone I have ever met that was associated with the charity is just a top notch individual. I encourage you to visit the website because I just can't quantify how important this organization is to children and their families.

So here is yet another example of Liberal idiots protesting or obstructing without any real thought of the consequences but to simply be the first to do so. The real irony of it all is we should kill or retire the clown, the clown that drummed up this dipsh*t idea in the first place...

Liberals must take responsibility for their own actions and quit blaming society or pulling the race card everytime they have a perceived issue and someone disagrees with their proposed solution. Odds are it is misguided and solved much faster, easier, and cost effectively when a Conservative handles the problem.

Don't kill Ronald you morons, play with your children! Encourage physical activities and make them eat healthy meals. There you go, simple enough advice to solve the problem and no riots or protests necessary, go figure...

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