Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Birth Certificate

Seriously, why doesn't the president just show all of these "birthers" and the rest of the nation a copy of his birth certificate? Obama did promise transparency but he also promised the healthcare debate be on CSPAN as well...

What is the harm in not producing his birth certificate? The latest Rasmussen poll shows that 80% of Americans do not trust their government. Obama is too arrogant to believe that his number is anywhere near that high or that he was even considered in the polling but that would certainly appease a certain percentage of Americans who want to see it. Would that build some trust?

Obama, your certificate and lets move on to other issues like jobs and the economy. How about some more of that laser like focus??? If the president isn't forced to show a copy of his birth certificate, then it does make matters worse. People are already starting to ask why not, just like I am...

This may not go over too well with some, but I am not completely convinced Obama is not the Anti-Christ. Before you ridicule or chasitze me, read the Bible folks, there are already several parallels. I'm not saying he is, I am simply saying I am not too sure he isn't...

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