Monday, April 5, 2010

Eliminate Nukes?

Does it worry anyone else that the 3 most dangerous nations on this planet are doing everything they can to expand their nuclear programs and our president is trying to eliminate our own nukes?

Seriously, what is the downside of having an arsenal of nuclear weapons? Walk softly and carry a big f*cking stick, isn't that our motto? Obama told the NY Times we need to eleminate our own nukes to set an example for the rest of the world even if it means not being able to defend ourselves...What???

Here's a little known newsflash for the dumbest president in American history, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela are building or trying to build nuclear weapons!!! Hello! Why do you suppose they want or think they need nuclear weapons?

I am not advocating for a nuclear war nor do I ever want it to happen. However, do you think it is out of the realm of possibility that it won't happen? Shouldn't we at the very least be prepared to defend ourselves and our allies? Is that some sort of new right wing Conservative hate speech? Be prepared? Hell, I thought even the Boy Scouts lived by that motto, it begs the question why doesn't Obozo think we should?

We are not a Socialist European "civilized nation" that will wait for the Americans to save us, we are the Americans! We do the saving and defending for those that can't defend themselves. Is this philosophy a dying tradition? Not on my watch Chief!

I can't believe there are Americans that listen to our president and actually believe him when he tells them he wants what's best for US... Actions speak louder than words but words on a teleprompter are all our cowardly leader is able to muster. Don't buy into the hype; Obama is literally tearing apart our constitution and the very fabric of our society right in front of our very eyes.

We must stop this before it gets out of control. Call you elected officials every chance you get and tell them the president is on the wrong path. Hold your elected officials accountable! We can't let up until Congress is replaced and Obama is out of office. Do it for yourself but more importantly do it for the future generations of Americans to come. Now, that's Patriotic!!!

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