Friday, April 9, 2010

Dropping Like Flies...

Obama wants to move quickly to replace Justice Stevens? You bet your *ss he does! Obama knows he is a one term president who has failed this country, not that he cares, but a Socialist failure nonetheless. He needs to get another racist activist judge like Sotomayor to replace the biggest Liberal activist judge in Supreme Court history before he loses the ability to do so come the November elections...

Stupak is retiring, why? He wants to spend time with his family...Bullsh*t he does! He is going to lose his re election bid and doesn't want the political fallout or the embarrassment. This is what happens when you fail to stand up for your convictions. I am assuming Stupak had some convictions because a man I greatly respect and admire, Congressman Greg Walden, told me Stupak was a good man that couldn't handle the pressure put on him by Obama and Pelosi.

Dawn Johnsen, Obama's choice as Atty Gen Holders second in charge wasn't among those listed in the recess appointments our cowardly president made while Congress was on recess, why not? Obama already chose to circumvent the nomination and appointment process so why not include Dawn who had been nominated by Obozo almost an entire year ago? Because she is a judicial activist and a socialist who has a lengthy record supporting my assertion and Obama couldn't justify the fallout.

Is anyone starting to finally see a pattern here with Obama and his nominations? How about his judicial activist types? I'm sure it is just more Conservative hate mongering and an attempt to cause fear... The sad fact of the matter is Americans should be scared of this man and his agenda!

Luckily for US they continue to drop like the flies that will hover over their ruined political policies and careers...

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