Sunday, April 18, 2010

Simmer Down

Former president Clinton tells Conservatives and Tea Partiers they need to simmer down. Apparently the rhetoric in this country is at an all time low and the former president reminded us what happened in Oklahoma City because of it.

First of all, it is all Americans that are upset not just the Conservatives and it just shows you how out of touch the Liberals are to it. How many Liberal politicians have now warned us that our rhetoric is too strong and detrimental?

Pelosi likened it to riots in San Francisco, Jackson and Sharpton, have likened it to the civil rights protests, and now old Slick Willie warns us it could cause the next OKC bombing. Really? I have no doubt we will be attacked again, I seriously doubt it will be by an American, perhaps a Muslin terrorist or manmade disaster as our idiot president prefers they be called...

Where were all these peace loving, non protesting, civil dialog, politicians when Bush was accused of war crimes? How about the hate rhetoric against Sarah Palin on a daily basis? How about members of the Black Caucus lying and saying protesters spit on them and yelled racial remarks? Where is the cry to simmer down for these actions?

What the Liberals are learning the hard way is that their group is the non action segment of our nation. They are willing to step aside and let someone else do the work or solve the problems for them. The Conservative side of our nation is the ones willing to defend what is theirs to their death. They will protect and defend freedom, liberty, individual rights, their families, neighbors, churches, etc despite the cost because it is the right thing to do.

What the Liberals don't realize is that Americans are upset about their government and it's out of control spending, size, scope, and its attempt to redistribute. Americans will not stand idly by and watch our country be destroyed. The more it is forced upon US the more the rhetoric increases and more violent people will become.

I have heard several politicians and more media people decry that Obama loves his country, do you think in your heart of hearts that he does? Are his actions toward this country supportive of that claim? Ridding our nation of its ability to protect itself, bowing to every foreign leader on this planet, punishing the motivated to support the lazy, and idly standing by while a nuclear war started by Iran presents itself, suggests to me the president feels otherwise...

Decide for yourself, my decision is made. I hope the leaders of our nation will listen to the will of the people and realize they are on the wrong track. Then and only then will the people of this great nation "simmer down"...

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