Wednesday, April 14, 2010

To The Moon!

Neil Armstrong and Obozo square off regarding NASA today. One man walked on the moon and the other thinks he hung it... Honestly, I don't see how all of these wacko environmentalists see any justification in halting our space exploration. Isn't the key to our future survival based on the new technology and lessons we can learn from our celestial bodies?

I agree it will cost us a ton of money we don't have to continue to operate NASA but perhaps that is somewhere higher on my priority list than salamander crossings in Vermont or gay bar patron studies in Argentina both of which are paid for with our tax dollars...

The administration is already claiming that Obama's vision of NASA will be much more advanced and yet more cost effective than before! It will also create more jobs than Bush did at NASA and will eventually create an additional 11,000 more jobs sometime by 2015. Really? I guess I find it a little difficult to believe anything this administration says to me, especially anything resembling jobs or efficient spending! Call me pessimistic I guess...

So after all of our time, money, technology, etc we are going to give control of the space station to Russia and allow them to charge us 50 million dollars per seat for every future astronaut we want to send there. Sounds like a good deal to me, what do you think?

Just another calculated effort from our moronic leader to put the USA further behind other nations at the expense of our future generations. I really don't pay much attention to NASA but this info is very troubling to me. So much for laser like focus on jobs and the economy...

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