Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Obama is Irrelevant

Despite the fact Obama has proven himself a liar, racist, and incompetent he continues to try and force his Socialized view onto Americans against their will. When will it end? It won't. Obama understands he has rendered himself irrelevant and untrustworthy. His goal is to force as much Socialization down our throats as he possibly can because he has no chance for re election.

The Democrats in general have essentially sold their souls for Obama and his Socialization plan all the while hoping most Americans wouldn't notice or even care. Well I can tell you one thing they do notice and they certainly do care! I will go out on a limb and predict enormous voter turnout for a midterm election, the likes we have never seen before. When the dust settles hopefully we will have a "Change" for the better.

Obama and the Democrats understand this will happen and yet they continue to proceed forward despite the outrage of Americans. Obama himself fails to recognize any opposition and his band of Liberal media outlets pull the race card out on anyone who speaks out against him.

Obama will be judged the worst president in American history! Does that make me racist? No, it makes him exactly what he is a lying, racist, Socialist, idiot who tried to fundamentally ruin the America we know and love.

Offshore drilling is his newest scam on Americans. Of course he doesn't want to drill for oil and gas anywhere, what he wants are Republicans to sign off on his Cap & Trade Tax in exchange for the promise of more oil and gas exploration. How many times have you seen Democrats stand up and cheer when a president talks about allowing offshore drilling? Don't be fooled, it won't happen and there should be no more deals with Obama at all on any level!

Every Republican and in fact decent American should completely shut off Obama and his agenda from here forward. It is OK to be an obstructionist especially when you are obstructing the demise of America to the whacked out Socialist, Liberal, left. Just say NO! Dig in and stick to your guns until November then we force Obozo and his band of morons back to whatever hole they crawled out of and fix this country the right way for generations to come.

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