Monday, March 15, 2010

Romney vs Hillary 2012

I hate to say I told you so but...Obama has sealed his fate as the worst president this country has had since another cluster f*ck Democrat named Jimmy Carter, and perhaps the worst of all time.

Obama inherited this mess you say? Really? If you believe that I will personally hit you in the head with a tack hammer! If Obama listened to the American people he would have known from day one that jobs, the economy, and national security were the biggest issues facing Americans but he was bound and determined to force socialized medicine down our throats. This is inexcusable and can't be argued.

He told you he would have "laser like focus" on creating jobs and he was able to pass a 15 Billion dollar government job creating bill and then right back to his 3 Trillion dollar over 10 year period health plan.

He treated terrorists like they were citizens of the US. He even saw fit to hire 7, count them, 7 lawyers that defended terrorists at Gitmo. Why? No doubt because they were the most qualified to fill those vacancies...Just like Jones, Dunn, and lets not forget the inept White House security moron who just resigned.

I can already hear the cries of racism pouring from the Congressional Black Caucus, Jessee Jackson, Wright, Farrakhan, ACLU etc because Obama losing his primary to Clinton for 2012 is because he was a black man and it had nothing to do with the fact that he was an inept, racist, socialist, moron who loved his own image more than he did his country!!! I am sure his dipsh*t wife won't be proud of her country for the second time during my lifetime either because of it...

The only way Obozo can avoid losing to Hillary is if he appoints her to the US Supreme Court, a position she would gladly accept. But regardless of what he does if Hillary is not on the highest court in the land she will be on your Presidential ballots in 2012. Can she distance herself from Obozo and his gang of circus freaks? I doubt it, Americans have finally realized there is no room for radical Progressives, Socialists, or moderate Democrats when America needs leaders.

You heard it here, Mitt Romney will be the next president of the United States, hopefully there will be enough of her left to salvage from what he will inherit...

1 comment:

  1. Vote: Justin Credible 2012. I promise not to let you down
