Thursday, April 29, 2010

ID Required

Why all of a sudden are all of these Liberals up in arms over supposed civil liberties violations regarding carrying proper identification to prove you are who you say you are? Seriously! If you are an ILLEGAL alien, then you don't get afforded the same civil liberties as American citizens. Why is this so difficult for Liberals to understand?

I will tell you why in a minute. How many times during a normal day are you required to show your drivers license? Think about it, I showed my ID three times today alone. I bought a can of Copenhagen and had to show ID, I cashed a check and had to show ID, and I had to get a letter notarized so once again, you guessed it, I had to show ID.

We are constantly asked to furnish identification! Fly on a plane, use a credit card, cash a check, enter a club, purchase alcohol, write a check, recieve a speeding ticket, the list goes on and on!!!

Here is the reason all of these Liberals are so upset over this new Arizona law. How many of your states require you to show proper identification to VOTE? I know in Oregon they mail my ballot to me and I simply sign my name to it. Believe it or not, that is all we have to do to vote here in Oregon...

So now you know the truth. The Liberals especially under Obama want and actually fund voter fraud, I mean voter registration drives so they can register as many cartoon characters, deceased people, created identities, triple registers, etc to slant elections. I don't care what anyones argument is to this, it has to be the only reason.

Why else would any Liberal politician want to extend American rights to anyone who isn't American and are breaking the laws of our land? What politician in their right mind advocates for anyone to break the law? Hmmmmm, I would love to hear an example. How about another reason?

The same people that advocate for affirmative action now cry racism and have their delicate sensibilites twisted in a bunch when a state determines it needs to proctect it's citizens and it's borders, go figure...Typical Liberal hipocracy...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Congratulations Arizona

Congratulations Arizona
The illegal immigration bill just passed in Arizona is an excellent example of how states need not rely on the federal government but solve their own problems in house. The more reliant Americans become on big brother to solve their problems the more disappointed they will become.

Obama said the bill was "misguided" and could violate people's civil rights. Really? Let me ask you this simple question and you decide. Should ILLEGAL immigrants who are in this country ILLEGALLY, a little redundant but I'm proving my point, be afforded the same civil liberties and rights as American citizens????? Hell NO!

But this is a typical Liberal response and even less shocking coming from Obozo for me simply because he has shown time and time again he cares more about what the rest of the world thinks about US than what's best for this country.

I wonder how the crime rate will be affected in Arizona. I wonder how the non insured emergency medical costs will be affected. I wonder how many more jobs may be available. I wonder if the classroom sizes will be reduced.

This is a difficult and challenging issue to tackle but one that needed to be addressed. It also must be addressed nationally as well but I wonder if the federal law in which the Liberals want amnesty and instant citizenship for illegals will trump Arizona's own law? You bet it will and that’s exactly why it was important for them to be in front of the feds so it will bring more light on the subject. Now there is another side and reasoning to see, not another "bi-partisan" dog and pony show put on television by Obozo and then rammed thru anyway...

It is a sad day when our very own president is more concerned about the well being of illegal aliens than the very own legal citizens of this great nation. Think about that...

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Birth Certificate

Seriously, why doesn't the president just show all of these "birthers" and the rest of the nation a copy of his birth certificate? Obama did promise transparency but he also promised the healthcare debate be on CSPAN as well...

What is the harm in not producing his birth certificate? The latest Rasmussen poll shows that 80% of Americans do not trust their government. Obama is too arrogant to believe that his number is anywhere near that high or that he was even considered in the polling but that would certainly appease a certain percentage of Americans who want to see it. Would that build some trust?

Obama, your certificate and lets move on to other issues like jobs and the economy. How about some more of that laser like focus??? If the president isn't forced to show a copy of his birth certificate, then it does make matters worse. People are already starting to ask why not, just like I am...

This may not go over too well with some, but I am not completely convinced Obama is not the Anti-Christ. Before you ridicule or chasitze me, read the Bible folks, there are already several parallels. I'm not saying he is, I am simply saying I am not too sure he isn't...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Simmer Down

Former president Clinton tells Conservatives and Tea Partiers they need to simmer down. Apparently the rhetoric in this country is at an all time low and the former president reminded us what happened in Oklahoma City because of it.

First of all, it is all Americans that are upset not just the Conservatives and it just shows you how out of touch the Liberals are to it. How many Liberal politicians have now warned us that our rhetoric is too strong and detrimental?

Pelosi likened it to riots in San Francisco, Jackson and Sharpton, have likened it to the civil rights protests, and now old Slick Willie warns us it could cause the next OKC bombing. Really? I have no doubt we will be attacked again, I seriously doubt it will be by an American, perhaps a Muslin terrorist or manmade disaster as our idiot president prefers they be called...

Where were all these peace loving, non protesting, civil dialog, politicians when Bush was accused of war crimes? How about the hate rhetoric against Sarah Palin on a daily basis? How about members of the Black Caucus lying and saying protesters spit on them and yelled racial remarks? Where is the cry to simmer down for these actions?

What the Liberals are learning the hard way is that their group is the non action segment of our nation. They are willing to step aside and let someone else do the work or solve the problems for them. The Conservative side of our nation is the ones willing to defend what is theirs to their death. They will protect and defend freedom, liberty, individual rights, their families, neighbors, churches, etc despite the cost because it is the right thing to do.

What the Liberals don't realize is that Americans are upset about their government and it's out of control spending, size, scope, and its attempt to redistribute. Americans will not stand idly by and watch our country be destroyed. The more it is forced upon US the more the rhetoric increases and more violent people will become.

I have heard several politicians and more media people decry that Obama loves his country, do you think in your heart of hearts that he does? Are his actions toward this country supportive of that claim? Ridding our nation of its ability to protect itself, bowing to every foreign leader on this planet, punishing the motivated to support the lazy, and idly standing by while a nuclear war started by Iran presents itself, suggests to me the president feels otherwise...

Decide for yourself, my decision is made. I hope the leaders of our nation will listen to the will of the people and realize they are on the wrong track. Then and only then will the people of this great nation "simmer down"...

Saturday, April 17, 2010


As we all cling to our guns and bibles we are subtly reminded that we should be thanking our president for all the good he's done for us as well as lowered our taxes.

I don't care what your thoughts or opinions of Obama are, do you think he relates to anyone of us at all on a personal level? This man is the biggest elitist I have ever seen in my lifetime...

It literally makes me sick when I see a throng of people standing behind our president cheering him on when he belittles the Republicans or whomever he is attacking that particular speech and they have no clue that he thinks he is above them all as well. I wonder how many of them have had their taxes lowered? I wonder how many of them will feel an unemployment hit or an inflation spike?

Perhaps those are the very people that Obama is clearly whipping out the government boob to provide for? If so, how can they possibly think Obama rationalizes them as equals? We all put our pants on the same way, we all breathe the same air, and we all bleed red but there is no denying the fact that there are vastly different societal standards by which people are judged.

Thank him, for what? I challenge you to name one good thing Obama has done in his term so far except sending troops to support our current troops in Afghanistan? What has he done? He has increased the size of government at the expense of small businesses and has indebted us for future generations to provide entitlement. This is a clear fact and can't be denied.

I can't wait to personally thank him starting this November and ending in November of 2012...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

To The Moon!

Neil Armstrong and Obozo square off regarding NASA today. One man walked on the moon and the other thinks he hung it... Honestly, I don't see how all of these wacko environmentalists see any justification in halting our space exploration. Isn't the key to our future survival based on the new technology and lessons we can learn from our celestial bodies?

I agree it will cost us a ton of money we don't have to continue to operate NASA but perhaps that is somewhere higher on my priority list than salamander crossings in Vermont or gay bar patron studies in Argentina both of which are paid for with our tax dollars...

The administration is already claiming that Obama's vision of NASA will be much more advanced and yet more cost effective than before! It will also create more jobs than Bush did at NASA and will eventually create an additional 11,000 more jobs sometime by 2015. Really? I guess I find it a little difficult to believe anything this administration says to me, especially anything resembling jobs or efficient spending! Call me pessimistic I guess...

So after all of our time, money, technology, etc we are going to give control of the space station to Russia and allow them to charge us 50 million dollars per seat for every future astronaut we want to send there. Sounds like a good deal to me, what do you think?

Just another calculated effort from our moronic leader to put the USA further behind other nations at the expense of our future generations. I really don't pay much attention to NASA but this info is very troubling to me. So much for laser like focus on jobs and the economy...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Gun Control

Even though I do hunt and have a concealed weapon permit, I am one that does understand some need for gun regulation. I don't understand why anyone besides our police or military needa semi automatic weapon.

I do concede that once we give up the right to own and or carry a semi automatic weapon, that priviledge will be lost and gone forever. The Liberals wacko's in our country will never give an inch on anything as they clearly demonstrated during the health care bills...

Gun do not kill people, people kill people. this is plain and simple. If you take the ability from an individual to hunt or defend themselves, our crime rate will skyrocket. Why? Because the law abiding citizens will surrender their guns and then only the criminals will be armed.

We have great examples of countries trying to do this, like Australia just recently. The crime rate went through the roof and so did violent crimes not just robbery. If a criminal doesn't fear being shot at they tend to become emboldened and will be much more agressive toward their potential victims.

We as Americans have failed to see the failing examples of socialized medicine in Canada and Europe and now we will learn that hard lesson on our own. Hopefully we won't have to learn this lesson no matter how many cowardly Liberal wacko's convince US to do so...

Friday, April 9, 2010

Dropping Like Flies...

Obama wants to move quickly to replace Justice Stevens? You bet your *ss he does! Obama knows he is a one term president who has failed this country, not that he cares, but a Socialist failure nonetheless. He needs to get another racist activist judge like Sotomayor to replace the biggest Liberal activist judge in Supreme Court history before he loses the ability to do so come the November elections...

Stupak is retiring, why? He wants to spend time with his family...Bullsh*t he does! He is going to lose his re election bid and doesn't want the political fallout or the embarrassment. This is what happens when you fail to stand up for your convictions. I am assuming Stupak had some convictions because a man I greatly respect and admire, Congressman Greg Walden, told me Stupak was a good man that couldn't handle the pressure put on him by Obama and Pelosi.

Dawn Johnsen, Obama's choice as Atty Gen Holders second in charge wasn't among those listed in the recess appointments our cowardly president made while Congress was on recess, why not? Obama already chose to circumvent the nomination and appointment process so why not include Dawn who had been nominated by Obozo almost an entire year ago? Because she is a judicial activist and a socialist who has a lengthy record supporting my assertion and Obama couldn't justify the fallout.

Is anyone starting to finally see a pattern here with Obama and his nominations? How about his judicial activist types? I'm sure it is just more Conservative hate mongering and an attempt to cause fear... The sad fact of the matter is Americans should be scared of this man and his agenda!

Luckily for US they continue to drop like the flies that will hover over their ruined political policies and careers...

Monday, April 5, 2010

Eliminate Nukes?

Does it worry anyone else that the 3 most dangerous nations on this planet are doing everything they can to expand their nuclear programs and our president is trying to eliminate our own nukes?

Seriously, what is the downside of having an arsenal of nuclear weapons? Walk softly and carry a big f*cking stick, isn't that our motto? Obama told the NY Times we need to eleminate our own nukes to set an example for the rest of the world even if it means not being able to defend ourselves...What???

Here's a little known newsflash for the dumbest president in American history, Iran, North Korea, and Venezuela are building or trying to build nuclear weapons!!! Hello! Why do you suppose they want or think they need nuclear weapons?

I am not advocating for a nuclear war nor do I ever want it to happen. However, do you think it is out of the realm of possibility that it won't happen? Shouldn't we at the very least be prepared to defend ourselves and our allies? Is that some sort of new right wing Conservative hate speech? Be prepared? Hell, I thought even the Boy Scouts lived by that motto, it begs the question why doesn't Obozo think we should?

We are not a Socialist European "civilized nation" that will wait for the Americans to save us, we are the Americans! We do the saving and defending for those that can't defend themselves. Is this philosophy a dying tradition? Not on my watch Chief!

I can't believe there are Americans that listen to our president and actually believe him when he tells them he wants what's best for US... Actions speak louder than words but words on a teleprompter are all our cowardly leader is able to muster. Don't buy into the hype; Obama is literally tearing apart our constitution and the very fabric of our society right in front of our very eyes.

We must stop this before it gets out of control. Call you elected officials every chance you get and tell them the president is on the wrong path. Hold your elected officials accountable! We can't let up until Congress is replaced and Obama is out of office. Do it for yourself but more importantly do it for the future generations of Americans to come. Now, that's Patriotic!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Kill Ronald!

In yet another misguided attempt to curry favor from the fringe left a group of protesters in Chicago think it's necessary to "Kill Ronald Mc Donald" in an effort to fight childhood obesity. Yep, it's the clowns fault...

They believe that the symbolism Ronald invokes is one that encourages kids to eat unhealthy and or fast food. Really? I have said this a thousand times over, bring back physical education!!! PE, remember it? Whats more important for kids sensitivity class or physical education?

I wonder if those morons in Chicago even realized the other benefit of Ronald Mc Donald which helps millions of families with sick children each year, ever heard of the Ronald Mc Donald House? Chances are if you haven't you would know someone with a child that does and or has visited a facility.

I don't diversify my charitable donations at all and the Ronald Mc Donald House is always one of the few I donate to. Everyone I have ever met that was associated with the charity is just a top notch individual. I encourage you to visit the website because I just can't quantify how important this organization is to children and their families.

So here is yet another example of Liberal idiots protesting or obstructing without any real thought of the consequences but to simply be the first to do so. The real irony of it all is we should kill or retire the clown, the clown that drummed up this dipsh*t idea in the first place...

Liberals must take responsibility for their own actions and quit blaming society or pulling the race card everytime they have a perceived issue and someone disagrees with their proposed solution. Odds are it is misguided and solved much faster, easier, and cost effectively when a Conservative handles the problem.

Don't kill Ronald you morons, play with your children! Encourage physical activities and make them eat healthy meals. There you go, simple enough advice to solve the problem and no riots or protests necessary, go figure...