Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Toyota Recall

Guess what? After further review of Toyota's acceleration problems it has been determined, it's all George Bush's fault! Yep, evidently some members of Congress, the Dept of Transportation, and lobbyists are responsible for covering up Toyota's problems back in 2007 resulting in a $100 million dollar savings for the automaker.

I understand the knee jerk reaction to want to deny responsibility when a problem like this occurs. However, at what point does someone have the epiphany that lives are at stake and the repercussions will be much worse the longer this is allowed to remain unresolved?

I also don't like members of Congress politicizing it for personal gain either. I have a real issue when the the US government owns 2 of the 3 largest US automakers and is allowed to use it's members, Congress, to investigate and politicize a rival competing auto maker. Seems like there may be a little conflict of interest there... American workers are employed right here in America by Toyota, aren't they?

Americans already know Chrysler, GM, and Ford have had their fair share of recalls and the bottom line is the Japanese automakers are building a much better product. It is very telling to me that 80% of new cars purchased during the " Cash for Clunkers" debacle were Japanese instead of American.

My point is, let's identify the problem and solve the damn problem! Nothing more nothing less, American lives are at stake. I don't want or need the political theatre that the media or members of Congress want to put on for us. Quite honestly it detracts from the real issues going on in our country like jobs, the economy, and the up and coming socialized medicine enema we are about to receive...

German automakers are the best in the world hands down, in my not so humble opinion, anyway. I am glad this little hiccup by Toyota is encouraging Americans to buy more American vehicles but the sad fact of the matter is between us, Japan, and Germany, we are a distant third...It pains me to say it, but sometimes the truth just hurts.

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