Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bi Partisan?

It is real interesting to me now that the Liberals have realized Americans are going to replace them this midterm election cycle, how many are coming out of the woodwork in an effort to introduce bi partisan bills. Do they really think Americans are so stupid they won't realize all of this is a last ditch effort to save their skins?

I have to give them some credit, at least they didn't quit like the Dodd's, Kennedy's, and Byah's of the party did rather than suffer enormous defeats in their re election efforts.

I have a question for anyone willing to answer it. How many bills do you need bi partisan support on when you have a super majority in both houses of congress as well as the presidency? NONE! The Democrats can't even agree on their own ridiculous legislation, and this is the Republicans fault? Hardly...

I am a firm believer you reap what you sew and the moderates of both parties are going to get replaced this mid term election and should. Any Republican willing to offer their names up on a bi partisan bill right now, has obviously disappointed voters and are trying to make up for it somehow. Once again, too little, too late.

Perhaps while they are in the unemployment line, then and only then, will they realize that jobs and the economy were a much bigger issue to Americans than socialized medicine. I seriously doubt it though. Especially since our "president" has indicated he won't allow lobbyists anywhere his administration, "wink", "wink"...They will always have some sort of job in an effort to socialize America somewhere...

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