Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sarah Palin

I find it awful interesting that Obama's press secretary Robert Gibbs was mocking the fact that Sarah Palin had written 6 words on her hand to jog her memory for a speech she was delivering at the Tea Party convention.

Obama is a babbling idiot when he is left to give a speech or even make simple comments without the use of his teleprompter. Hell even when he has a teleprompter he isn't guaranteed to be error free.

I am simply saying everyone is human and prone to make mistakes but why does the White House and Liberal media find it appropriate to attack Sarah Palin even when she did nothing wrong?

Little do those morons realize they are just empowering her daily with all of the attention and attacks and it is making her much more recognizable and powerful. If we knew as much about Obama as we do Sarah Palin he never would have been elected and they are too stupid to realize this.

I honestly think the Liberals have realized Obama is done after one term and the only feasible candidate they have left is Hillary Clinton. Therefore, the attacks on Palin have to continue in their minds because they know Hillary can't beat Palin in an election.

Meanwhile, Obama is giving campaign speeches regarding "corpse men" and probably visiting his 58th state right now. Liberals everywhere should be proud...


  1. I guess Palin does not understand satire and she complains about telaprompters, what a hypocrite. Palin’s hand job just shows all of us what kind of dullard we are up against, I have not seen this since junior high. WOW and some call her a leader….please.

  2. Thanks for the comment. Did you even read the post? I guess it is called "satire" when they attack conservatives. Speaking of dullards and leaders, I would gladly take Palin over both Gibbs, not a leader but certainly a dullard, and Obozo anyday.

    Old 58 state Obama sure is proving to be one hell of a leader isn't he? Please...
