Thursday, February 18, 2010

Deficit Commission

Obama announced today he has created a Bipartisan Deficit Commission, why? To raise your taxes!

Obama's commission of insiders and experts is the "blue ribbon" group that will be responsible for recommending to our humble president that the only way to pull out of the recession and make up for massive spending is to raise your taxes across the board.

So, even if you do make less than $250,000 a year your taxes will be raised as well. This will happen, hide and watch. The caveat is Obama thinks Americans are stupid enough to believe that as long as raising taxes wasn't his idea he won't be held responsible. I mean after all he is just a humble servant of the people and he is listening to what "experts" suggest he do for the benefit of our country...

Perhaps his brain dead Liberal moronic base will believe this and forgive him for it but I assure you most Americans won't and I won't let anyone I know forget it either.

Let me pose a question to you. Obama and Biden insist that the "stimulus" plan was a success, right? We have heard everyone in this administration say repeatedly that their plan "brought us back from the brink" right? Obama said once again yesterday that this plan saved or created over 2 million jobs, right?

Then why should Obama feel the need to create such a panel or even a commission in regards to deficit spending? I mean if the president is correct, which we know he isn't, creating 2 million jobs is a good thing right? If his spending was the catalyst for this job creation, why isn't he demanding we spend more?

I am just using the president's lies and words in context and asking you to think for yourself. If Obama is correct then why the need for change? If what he is doing is working so well, why not do more of it?

The fact is Obama is full of bullsh*t and he is trying to make you the mushroom. When has this president ever done what Americans have told him they want? Health care, Gitmo, KSM trial? Nope. He does what he wants and tells us to accept it, because he knows whats best for us. If we don't agree then we are either racist or uneducated, just ask Rosie or that other pig Garofalo.

Not on my watch Chief! Wake up America the change most of you voted for is coming, and keep in mind the old saying be careful what you wish for...

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