Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Recess Appointments

Obama told the press corps today that he won't let Republicans stand in the way and hold up important positions needed for a well functioning government. Really? Not one of those spineless b*stards had the nerve to ask the president, if they are so important, why wasn't the position filled during your first year in office Mr. President? I have seen some piss poor work in my time on this earth but this is getting ridiculous.

Obama tried to put a former union president in charge of heading up the Labor Department. Why is it that this president and his entire administration are so anti private enterprise and capitalism? I honestly can't believe this man even wants to live in a country that quite simply he must despise.

Honestly, is there anything Obama likes about this country besides the fact that nowhere else in the world is there a better place to live. I'm not so sure he thinks this way though. He wants to change our military, eliminate NASA, take over the banking and auto industries, change our health care system, etc and so on.

Now these very same b*stards that are directly responsible for this man being elected, don't have the courage to ask him one simple tough question? Yellow journalism is a thing of the past, it has a new name now Liberal liars...

This corrupt president is willing to do anything and everything he can to "change" I prefer "destroy" America as we know it. This has quite simply got to stop. If he thinks he can get appointments while the Senate is out on recess, I hope he tries it. Americans are finally starting to realize it's not racist to disagree with a black president. Guess what? It's OK to despise him because he is a moron, not because he is black but because his motives for our future are very questionable this man has to be challenged and questioned.

Please God, give someone besides Fox News the courage to do so, for all of our sake...

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