Monday, February 22, 2010


Obama and the Democrats are convinced they can fool Americans in to believing they "tried" to work with Republicans and create a bi partisan health care plan. The truth is, they have no intention and never had any intention to include Republicans in this conversation from the very beginning.

They didn't give a rip what Americans or Republicans thought about health care before the Mass senate election so why do they care all of a sudden? Because Democrats are going to use one of the most undermining forms of legislation available to shove Obamacare down America's throat. It is called reconciliation.

I am not going to rehash why Americans don't want socialized medicine and why Obama still thinks this is more important than the economy. Obviously this stupid f*cking idiot doesn't care what Americans want or think. I don't believe he is an American. I am not contending he wasn't born here, I am contending he has surrounded himself with nothing but activists, socialists, domestic terrorists, racists etc all of which hate the America most of us know and love. Obama doesn't see that America, he sees an unjust America and he's here to "transform it".

Reconciliation will do it. Once this legislation is signed into law there will be hell to pay. Or will there be? How hard is it to reverse something this big? The simple truth is, it will be next to impossible to reverse this legislation once it is passed and Obama, Reid, and Pelosi know it. They still believe they know whats best for US and we should just trust them...

Never mind the midterm elections if they pass this legislation, remember you must hold every member of Congress that voted for this reconciliation responsible. They are banking that you fill forget, forgive, or ultimately reap the benefit. Not on my watch Chief!

If the Democrats take this step they knowingly and purposely defy Americans and it is a major step in a world where big government is trying to take control of Americans. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, if this passes, not for long...

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