Sunday, February 28, 2010

$9 Billion for pride?

I want to congratulate both of the Canadian hockey teams. I was not surprised the men beat the Americans but I was shocked the American women lost as well. Despite the fact that the Americans lost, I have several dear Canadian friends and I wish I was there with them today partying like a rock star!!!

Americans have a sense of pride about many of the things we do both athletic and non athletic. We have grown accustomed to being the best in everything we do so every now and then a humble reminder makes us take stock and try that much harder next time.

But in Canada, they live and breathe hockey. It is like soccer to the Europeans and football or baseball to us. In fact Canada hasn't had an NHL team win the Stanley Cup in over a decade despite the fact that most of the players are in fact Canadian. The sad truth is most of the teams have left Canada for America and the almighty dollar. It kills the Canadians when teams like Carolina or Tampa Bay win the NHL championship because it just doesn't fit. How can a warm weather climate produce great hockey teams and or fans?

Americans love their sports and more importantly their violence. Being a former wrestler and football player, I can honestly say I wish I would have had an opportunity to play hockey because it is the best of both of my favorite sports. Speed, strength, skill, violence, and intelligence all at once. It truly is a beautiful thing.

Despite having spent 9 billion dollars to have the Olympics in Vancouver Canada, it is worth every penny to the Canadians because of the national sense of pride it brings their country. The price seems a little high for the reward to logical people, but this is much deeper than logical dollars and cents, or sense as it were.

Despite the fact they share a border with the greatest superpower the world has ever known, Canadians still struggle in the shadow of their big brother to the South. It could be their crippling taxes, socialized medicine, or just their alliance to a commonwealth long since forgotten, but the fact remains they still struggle.

So when you hit the pillow tonight think of all the hangovers that will happen tomorrow morning and just feel good for the Canadians. They deserve these wins and it really is a feel good story for some of the greatest human beings I have ever had the pleasure to have known.

Good on ya boys! Congrats and have a Keith's pronounced(Keets) or Olands for me, I am with you in spirit!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

American Treasure?

I don't care what your political or moral values are, once you read this blog you should be appalled. It is no secret that there is an extreme double standard in the media based solely on what your political views are, but this is ridiculous.

If it isn't bad enough that Americans have to listen to two complete dipsh*ts like Rosie and Garafolo tell them they just aren't very smart if they don't agree with them. Now, we have to sit back and watch a racist, communist, militant, conspirator receive an "Image Award" and considered a "National Treasure" from the NAACP.

Yes, Obama's former Green Jobs Czar who was disgraced by past associations and remarks resulting in his resignation is the recipient of the NAACP award. Personally I don't give a rip about the NAACP and it's role in society. Many of their past actions and associations have marginalized their mission and rendered them irrelevant in my opinion. The fight for equality is much better served from legitimate organizations who actually care about equality and justice for all...

If you are offended by this, ask the Duke la cross players or the Connecticut firefighters how they benefited from the NAACP. I could go on and on but I don't want to be labeled a racist for using common sense backed by facts so I'll leave it here and get back to the man so deserving of praise and an award.

Here are a few quotes from the NAACP's "American Treasure" judge for yourself.

Jones was a self-described "communist" during the 1990s and previously worked with a group dedicated to Marxist and Leninist philosophies. His comments, even in recent years, were often racially charged. He's blamed "white polluters and white environmentalists" for "steering poison" to minority communities. In 2005, he drew a distinction between white and black youths involved in shooting incidents by referencing the 1999 Columbine High School massacre.

"You've never seen a Columbine done by a black child. Never," Jones said. "They always say, 'We can't believe it happened here. We can't believe it's these suburban white kids.' It's only them!" he said. "Now, a black kid might shoot another black kid. He's not going to shoot up the whole school."

Such statements did not draw widespread attention until after a February video surfaced showing him calling Republicans "assholes" during an address in Berkeley, Calif. Jones apologized, but faced down his past again when it was discovered that he signed a 2004 statement calling on then-New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer and others to launch an investigation into evidence that suggests "people within the current administration may indeed have deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext for war."

Jones afterward issued a blanket apology for his past statements and said the petition does not reflect his views. An aide said Jones didn't carefully review the petition at the time.

But that claim was swiftly disputed by "He did agree with that statement and he did sign on to it," spokesman Mike Berger told Fox News in a telephone interview from St. Louis on Friday. Berger said the group's "original board members individually confirmed all signatories that had signed on to the statement."

These quotes were taken from a Fox News article dated Feb 24, 2010.

It is no secret this man is a racist and ironic that the NAACP found it so fitting to bestow an award on him. Once again, marginalizing the entity as a whole. What's appalling to me is Obama decided he was worthy of a top white house position and given this advisement role to the president.

You decide, how could Obama not have known about his past issues? If he didn't, once he did, why wasn't he terminated? I'll give them both the benefit of the doubt and just call their relationship curious at best, probably explained in the hood as two brothers just keeping it real... Not on my watch Chief!

I'll give him my very own Conservative Chick Opinion award, this man is a National P.O.S.! He is everything bad with regards to racial and political tension in America and doesn't deserve the time I have wasted on him...Ridiculous.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bi Partisan?

It is real interesting to me now that the Liberals have realized Americans are going to replace them this midterm election cycle, how many are coming out of the woodwork in an effort to introduce bi partisan bills. Do they really think Americans are so stupid they won't realize all of this is a last ditch effort to save their skins?

I have to give them some credit, at least they didn't quit like the Dodd's, Kennedy's, and Byah's of the party did rather than suffer enormous defeats in their re election efforts.

I have a question for anyone willing to answer it. How many bills do you need bi partisan support on when you have a super majority in both houses of congress as well as the presidency? NONE! The Democrats can't even agree on their own ridiculous legislation, and this is the Republicans fault? Hardly...

I am a firm believer you reap what you sew and the moderates of both parties are going to get replaced this mid term election and should. Any Republican willing to offer their names up on a bi partisan bill right now, has obviously disappointed voters and are trying to make up for it somehow. Once again, too little, too late.

Perhaps while they are in the unemployment line, then and only then, will they realize that jobs and the economy were a much bigger issue to Americans than socialized medicine. I seriously doubt it though. Especially since our "president" has indicated he won't allow lobbyists anywhere his administration, "wink", "wink"...They will always have some sort of job in an effort to socialize America somewhere...

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Toyota Recall

Guess what? After further review of Toyota's acceleration problems it has been determined, it's all George Bush's fault! Yep, evidently some members of Congress, the Dept of Transportation, and lobbyists are responsible for covering up Toyota's problems back in 2007 resulting in a $100 million dollar savings for the automaker.

I understand the knee jerk reaction to want to deny responsibility when a problem like this occurs. However, at what point does someone have the epiphany that lives are at stake and the repercussions will be much worse the longer this is allowed to remain unresolved?

I also don't like members of Congress politicizing it for personal gain either. I have a real issue when the the US government owns 2 of the 3 largest US automakers and is allowed to use it's members, Congress, to investigate and politicize a rival competing auto maker. Seems like there may be a little conflict of interest there... American workers are employed right here in America by Toyota, aren't they?

Americans already know Chrysler, GM, and Ford have had their fair share of recalls and the bottom line is the Japanese automakers are building a much better product. It is very telling to me that 80% of new cars purchased during the " Cash for Clunkers" debacle were Japanese instead of American.

My point is, let's identify the problem and solve the damn problem! Nothing more nothing less, American lives are at stake. I don't want or need the political theatre that the media or members of Congress want to put on for us. Quite honestly it detracts from the real issues going on in our country like jobs, the economy, and the up and coming socialized medicine enema we are about to receive...

German automakers are the best in the world hands down, in my not so humble opinion, anyway. I am glad this little hiccup by Toyota is encouraging Americans to buy more American vehicles but the sad fact of the matter is between us, Japan, and Germany, we are a distant third...It pains me to say it, but sometimes the truth just hurts.

Monday, February 22, 2010


Obama and the Democrats are convinced they can fool Americans in to believing they "tried" to work with Republicans and create a bi partisan health care plan. The truth is, they have no intention and never had any intention to include Republicans in this conversation from the very beginning.

They didn't give a rip what Americans or Republicans thought about health care before the Mass senate election so why do they care all of a sudden? Because Democrats are going to use one of the most undermining forms of legislation available to shove Obamacare down America's throat. It is called reconciliation.

I am not going to rehash why Americans don't want socialized medicine and why Obama still thinks this is more important than the economy. Obviously this stupid f*cking idiot doesn't care what Americans want or think. I don't believe he is an American. I am not contending he wasn't born here, I am contending he has surrounded himself with nothing but activists, socialists, domestic terrorists, racists etc all of which hate the America most of us know and love. Obama doesn't see that America, he sees an unjust America and he's here to "transform it".

Reconciliation will do it. Once this legislation is signed into law there will be hell to pay. Or will there be? How hard is it to reverse something this big? The simple truth is, it will be next to impossible to reverse this legislation once it is passed and Obama, Reid, and Pelosi know it. They still believe they know whats best for US and we should just trust them...

Never mind the midterm elections if they pass this legislation, remember you must hold every member of Congress that voted for this reconciliation responsible. They are banking that you fill forget, forgive, or ultimately reap the benefit. Not on my watch Chief!

If the Democrats take this step they knowingly and purposely defy Americans and it is a major step in a world where big government is trying to take control of Americans. Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, if this passes, not for long...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is an epidemic in our country today and apparently it is worse among black and Hispanic children than white and Asian children. My first question is why is it necessary to break down the results along ethnic lines, obviously it is effecting ALL American children?

I am also having trouble with the government wanting to impose new regulations in an effort to control it. Do any of you remember how well prohibition worked out? Taking out soda and candy machines from our schools is not the answer. Levying extra taxes upon sugary items is not the answer either, although the government especially under Obama hasn't ever met a tax they didn't like...

The simple and easiest explanation to cure childhood obesity lies right under our noses and yet our President think he needs to parade the first lady out and make a big deal about fighting it. Seriously, how dumb are these people and how dumb do they think we are?

Bring PE, physical education, back into our schools. Why do you think these kids are getting fatter, lazier, and more complacent? I contend it is video games, the Internet, high definition TVs but the single biggest reason is they don't have nearly enough daily physical activity.

Remember the Presidential Physical Fitness Awards? Remember how good it felt to win one and be on the list of having won one? Not only does it give our children a vastly healthier lifestyle, it reduces stress, eliminates obesity, and instill a sense of self pride and discipline with measurable results.

If the government wants to regulate and solve childhood obesity problems all they have to do is talk to their good buddies in the teacher unions and make PE a daily requirement. I am sure we can eliminate ridiculous curriculum or modify class schedules to allow this to happen and it needs to.

Nice try Obama, this is an easy and simple solution to solve so find something else for your wife to do that makes her proud of her country for the second time in her life. I am sick of seeing her already...Perhaps a way to make sure our Veterans and homeless are fed and clothed before we give Billions away to other nations on a yearly basis...That seems worthwhile to me!

Problem solved and we can easily do it without the need for more government, go figure...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Deficit Commission

Obama announced today he has created a Bipartisan Deficit Commission, why? To raise your taxes!

Obama's commission of insiders and experts is the "blue ribbon" group that will be responsible for recommending to our humble president that the only way to pull out of the recession and make up for massive spending is to raise your taxes across the board.

So, even if you do make less than $250,000 a year your taxes will be raised as well. This will happen, hide and watch. The caveat is Obama thinks Americans are stupid enough to believe that as long as raising taxes wasn't his idea he won't be held responsible. I mean after all he is just a humble servant of the people and he is listening to what "experts" suggest he do for the benefit of our country...

Perhaps his brain dead Liberal moronic base will believe this and forgive him for it but I assure you most Americans won't and I won't let anyone I know forget it either.

Let me pose a question to you. Obama and Biden insist that the "stimulus" plan was a success, right? We have heard everyone in this administration say repeatedly that their plan "brought us back from the brink" right? Obama said once again yesterday that this plan saved or created over 2 million jobs, right?

Then why should Obama feel the need to create such a panel or even a commission in regards to deficit spending? I mean if the president is correct, which we know he isn't, creating 2 million jobs is a good thing right? If his spending was the catalyst for this job creation, why isn't he demanding we spend more?

I am just using the president's lies and words in context and asking you to think for yourself. If Obama is correct then why the need for change? If what he is doing is working so well, why not do more of it?

The fact is Obama is full of bullsh*t and he is trying to make you the mushroom. When has this president ever done what Americans have told him they want? Health care, Gitmo, KSM trial? Nope. He does what he wants and tells us to accept it, because he knows whats best for us. If we don't agree then we are either racist or uneducated, just ask Rosie or that other pig Garofalo.

Not on my watch Chief! Wake up America the change most of you voted for is coming, and keep in mind the old saying be careful what you wish for...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Nuclear Power

Hold your breath, I am going to praise Obama for 2 things well done this week! The first thing is Obama should be acknowledged and commended for listening to his generals, sending more troops, and taking out Al Qaeda and Taliban troops in Afghanistan. He is finally getting out of his own way and letting the military do what they do best!

Secondly, he should be praised for recognizing the need for many different alternative energy sources when it comes to powering America. Nuclear energy is a very cost effective and viable energy source and should be expanded upon as part of our general domestic energy policies.

I think that his reasoning for proposing nuclear energy is completely idiotic but somehow here we are. Nuclear energy not producing any carbon emissions is a good thing but a piss poor reason to consider it as a sole source of energy. Somebody please tell Obama that global warming is a lie, doesn't exist, and get off of his environmental Nazi tax agenda...

At the end of the day, nuclear power isn't the only option but a much needed first step towards our independent energy goals. Next is capitalizing on our enormous oil and gas reserves as well as continuing to develop wind, solar, and hydrogen power sources.

As long as we recognize there is no single answer for America's power solutions and continue to research, develop, and implement all forms of energy we will be much better off for future generations.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dick Cheney

I find it simply comical that Joe Biden has enough moxy to judge Cheney and Bush about issues like the economy and national security. I wish for one second Obama or Biden had the courage to field questions from ONE independent or conservative show host on any issues they have encountered so far during their administration.

The fact is they are cowards, Obama, Biden, and the Liberal media. Fortunately for most of us, the rest of America that usually doesn't care or simply doesn't vote has finally come around and they won't be fooled by the Obama smokescreen any longer.

It is no wonder why all of the Liberal media outlets are going bankrupt. Americans don't trust them, believe them, or listen to them any longer. Americans are tired of the "spin" from both political parties and simply want to listen to a point of view and decide for themselves if they agree or not. There is only one mainstream media outlet willing to do this and no wonder they continue to dominate the ratings.

Last week Joe Biden tried to take credit for the successful war in Iraq despite both he and Obama's seething opposition to it and the winning "surge" strategy from Bush and Cheney. Once the polls reflected that an overwhelming majority of Americans recognize Bush was responsible for winning the war they shifted strategies.

Now Biden wants to attack Bush and Cheney on the economy. I will be the first to admit that Bush spent way too much money for my liking. That being said, the amount of money Obama has spent and plans to spend make me sick to my stomach. Whats worse is they still try and blame their reckless policies on Bush and Cheney???

I have owned several business in my short lifetime and operating a business is a very challenging endeavor to handle when it is profitable much less when it is not. Here's a little trivia question for you, how many business have Obama and Biden owned total? NONE! Zero, zip, nada, how does this make you feel? Kind of like letting a 14 year old without a drivers license take your child to school every morning type of feeling right? You simply wouldn't let happen would you?

The point is they are quite simply over matched and completely out of their league. So why would Americans give any legitimacy to anything Biden or Obama have to say? Aside from the Progressive, whacked out fringe voting block, they aren't. Americans have realized what a terrible mistake it was to elect Obama and Biden and they are waiting to fix the mistake this midterm election and finish the job in 2012.

I still have a good chuckle when old Biden takes the microphone. He couldn't beat Sarah Palin in a debate and yet he attacks Dick Cheney on issues where Cheney has forgotten more than Biden ever knew on the subject. I give him an A for effort though, at least he thinks he is doing the right thing. Obama, on the other hand, I am not so sure about.

Let's settle this once and for all. Cheney versus Biden in the octagon, winner take all. Despite the heart issues, I would bet everything I have on Cheney, a majority of Americans bet everything they had on Biden and Obama and look where we are now because of it...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Savvy Bankers

I couldn't believe my eyes or ears when I heard Obama say he had no issues with the multi million dollar bonuses paid to 2 banking CEO's this week. Goldman and Chase banks both received federal bailout dollars and were part of the wall street greed crowd weren't they? I thought Obama was going to punish those banks and make them pay our money back?

Where's this pay czar that is supposed to be watching and regulating this bonus situation? Now, Obama has defined these two men as "savvy bankers" and a vital part of our economic recovery and prosperity. Again, really? So who are the unsavvy ones? Are they being punished and denied bonuses?

The truth is, the government has absolutely no business meddling into any ones salary and or bonuses. Why were they meddling in the first place? Because Obama hates capitalism and free market enterprise. It is no coincidence that Goldman was saved and Stearns wasn't either. All you have to do is follow the money. Look at political contributions made both banks and you will easily understand why one was saved by Democrats and one was allowed to fail by Democrats.

The whole thing stinks and Obama has no business interfering in any of it and either did Bush. The free market will prevail and the less government involvement there is the better off Americans will be.

The truth is Obama is friends with these 2 particular "savvy bankers" and if you are part of Obama's corrupt machine, all is well for you. Corruption at it's finest. Just be sure to remember how savvy he was come re election time...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sarah Palin

I find it awful interesting that Obama's press secretary Robert Gibbs was mocking the fact that Sarah Palin had written 6 words on her hand to jog her memory for a speech she was delivering at the Tea Party convention.

Obama is a babbling idiot when he is left to give a speech or even make simple comments without the use of his teleprompter. Hell even when he has a teleprompter he isn't guaranteed to be error free.

I am simply saying everyone is human and prone to make mistakes but why does the White House and Liberal media find it appropriate to attack Sarah Palin even when she did nothing wrong?

Little do those morons realize they are just empowering her daily with all of the attention and attacks and it is making her much more recognizable and powerful. If we knew as much about Obama as we do Sarah Palin he never would have been elected and they are too stupid to realize this.

I honestly think the Liberals have realized Obama is done after one term and the only feasible candidate they have left is Hillary Clinton. Therefore, the attacks on Palin have to continue in their minds because they know Hillary can't beat Palin in an election.

Meanwhile, Obama is giving campaign speeches regarding "corpse men" and probably visiting his 58th state right now. Liberals everywhere should be proud...

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Recess Appointments

Obama told the press corps today that he won't let Republicans stand in the way and hold up important positions needed for a well functioning government. Really? Not one of those spineless b*stards had the nerve to ask the president, if they are so important, why wasn't the position filled during your first year in office Mr. President? I have seen some piss poor work in my time on this earth but this is getting ridiculous.

Obama tried to put a former union president in charge of heading up the Labor Department. Why is it that this president and his entire administration are so anti private enterprise and capitalism? I honestly can't believe this man even wants to live in a country that quite simply he must despise.

Honestly, is there anything Obama likes about this country besides the fact that nowhere else in the world is there a better place to live. I'm not so sure he thinks this way though. He wants to change our military, eliminate NASA, take over the banking and auto industries, change our health care system, etc and so on.

Now these very same b*stards that are directly responsible for this man being elected, don't have the courage to ask him one simple tough question? Yellow journalism is a thing of the past, it has a new name now Liberal liars...

This corrupt president is willing to do anything and everything he can to "change" I prefer "destroy" America as we know it. This has quite simply got to stop. If he thinks he can get appointments while the Senate is out on recess, I hope he tries it. Americans are finally starting to realize it's not racist to disagree with a black president. Guess what? It's OK to despise him because he is a moron, not because he is black but because his motives for our future are very questionable this man has to be challenged and questioned.

Please God, give someone besides Fox News the courage to do so, for all of our sake...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Global Warming

Obama wants to create a new entity to study and report the effects of global warming. That's all we need at this point is more government but seriously, what's the point?

Hasn't there been enough evidence that all of this supposed data supporting global warming is seriously flawed and corrupt? These scientists lied, corroborated, and manipulated the "facts" to make whatever conclusion they wanted and worst of all, they profited from it.

What ended the last ice age? Global warming. I understand the need to be good stewards of our environment and our planet and have no problem with this. I do however have major problems when our government thinks they need to get involved.

Let's face it America we have been duped. Fat Albert Gore is laughing all the way to the bank and Obozo shouldn't be trusted to babysit a pet monkey... Get these two morons together on how to regulate and PROFIT from global warming and it will literally sink America. Why do you think MSNBC and NBC are so pro Obama? Because GE, their parent company stands to be gaining trillions of dollars from regulations administered by the government and verified by a subsidiary of GE. Go figure!

It truly is high times for Obama and all of his corrupt supporters but I firmly believe Americans are finally catching on to all of his b*llsh*t and it won't last for more than one term.

It is no secret history will see Obama as a worse president than Carter believe it or not but it will never be written or spoken because that would be racist...

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Super Bowl

Enjoy your Sunday. If you are a football fan this is a great day and could only be better if your team is playing, my team the Dallas Cowboys, are not so I will watch half heartedly.

Remember to reflect this Sunday on what an event like the Super Bowl does for us and our families. It brings us closer together to enjoy our friends, family, and loved ones. It represents all that is good in sports and the excitement of competition.

There will be several commercials to enjoy. Please pay attention to 2 commercials in particular, they have been receiving a lot of media attention. Despite what your opinion is on abortion look at both commercials objectively and ask yourself this question. What are the reasons to spend over 2 million dollars for each commercial and what is the message? Why did one group file a formal complaint and once it was rejected decide to run it's own commercial?

I love politics but I am a little put off by the fact they chose the Super Bowl to politicize the abortion issue. What has America become? Long gone are the days of the Bud Wei Serrrr lizzards and they are now replaced with political b*llsh*t. I don't like it.

Take time to acknowledge our Lord and Creator on Sunday and please say a prayer for all of the troops. God Bless them all and thank you.

If I had to pick a winner I would say the Colts. I hate the Colts and the AFC in general but I don't think the Saints are in the same class. My bet this year is on the Over, take it for what it's worth...

Enjoy your Super Bowl Sunday!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Fiscal Philosophies

There are two distinct philosophies of thought when it comes to generating revenue for America. Both ideas are predicated upon what your beliefs are for government and it's size and scope.

Liberals in general and Obama specifically believe that the scope and focus of government should be large and all inclusive. They believe that government should provide for it's citizens at the expense of business, wealthy, and finally middle class. There is a small amount of taxation upon all classes but not all of them are specifically targeted like business and the wealthy. This is a classic example of redistribution of wealth. Take from one entity and give to another entity.

Obama believes that if he raises taxes on business and the wealthy that it really won't effect their employees nor their desire to accumulate more wealth. He thinks business will always be a constant however, their profit margins will fluctuate but not to the extreme where they will reduce labor. If they reduce labor the government will be financially sound and be able to provide if it happens. The more people reliant on government there are the more powerful the government becomes...

Conservatives in general and me specifically believe the focus and scope of government should provide basic necessities for it's citizens but be very small, efficient, and unobtrusive. Americans don't need a bureaucracy to tell them how to operate, we just have to rely on our work ethic and common sense and values to lead the way...

Instead of raising taxes, reduce taxes and give businesses and citizens more discretionary income to put back into the economy. If this happens capitalism kicks in and business focus on their workforce and profit margins. They then pay normal taxes on higher amounts of profit which accomplishes the same monetary goal as raising taxes on less revenue or smaller margins.

There are more differences obviously but the main one is now you have citizens working and paying taxes instead of relying on the government to support and provide for them. This reduces the amount of power a government has and keeps it's scope smaller and focused on priorities and security which is much better for Americans.

The Liberals have created an us against them mentality when it comes to everyday Americans versus wealthy Americans. I don't understand this. Why would anyone resent anyone else for what they have or don't have? Some people are just smarter, luckier, harder working, etc than others, this is plain and simple. It is what it is and far too often we forget what we have right in front of us while we are busy worrying about what we don't have...

There you have it, fiscal policies and philosophies in a nutshell. At the end of the day we are all Americans which means a lot of different things to a lot of different people but be patriotic, work hard, defend whats yours, and love your fellow man as you would your own family. This simple philosophy will benefit us all.

God Bless.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Obama and the law

If it isn't bad enough Obama blatantly lied about the Supreme Court ruling and how it will effect campaign contributions, he just sent his minion Robert Gibbs to defend his civilian terrorist trial plans to the media.

Never mind the fact that this will potentially cost hundreds of millions of dollars. Never mind the fact that these are terrorists captured during war and shouldn't be given a civilian trial. Never mind the fact that Obama wants to hold the trials in the very same city where the terrorist acts were committed, opening the wound all over again. How about what the media isn't reporting on?

How many times have you heard Obama and several others in his administration already say KSM and the other captured terrorists will be found guilty and sentenced to death? So much for the old innocent until proven guilty standard! He confessed right? Yes, when he was interrogated by the Bush administration but that confession will be non admissible because he wasn't marandized at the time of the confession. What about finding an impartial jury in a city that was devastated by those attacks? Do you really think they can find anyone that is impartial?

Any judge that wouldn't allow a change of venue based on that criteria must have their head examined! Never mind the fact that several elected officials and countless security experts have urged Obama to try these terrorists in military court. Never mind the fact that those very same people don't want the trials in NYC.

Obama doesn't care. He knows whats best for you and you better shut up and get in line. Not on my watch Chief!

I can see it now, terrorists are either acquitted or simply found not guilty if not for the reasons listed above then others I haven't thought of yet. But mark my words, if these trials go forward it will sink the Obama administration and it should. If these terrorists are let go or at the worst given some sort of break or deal, I hope he rots in the bowels of hell for all eternity.