Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Penalize Americans

Obama's decision to penalize the "greedy banks" will certainly backfire on him just like his backroom union deals have regarding health care. Listen, I am no fan of banks but I am certainly a realist when it comes to them. I dislike banks because it seems they have no rhyme or reason when it comes to lending money for personal or business use. I do agree however, that what a CEO or CFO earns as a salary and or bonus is absolutely none of anyone's business.

If you are in charge of a company that earns or manages billions of dollars a year, you better know what you are doing and if you do then you should be compensated according to the perceived value by board members and or shareholders. This is plain and simple, pay your employees based on what they are worth and bring to the business. If you are offended CEO's and athletes make millions of dollars while teachers make 60k, in my mind you are missing the point or you are an idealistic moron. I wanted to give a little insight into this post so you know where I am coming from here.

Is it odd to anyone that Obama has decided to punish banks and only banks so far with this extra tax penalty? What about the banks that didn't accept taxpayer money? What about the banks that are still receiving money and are essentially owned by taxpayers? What about the auto industry, why don't they have to pay? Answer? Unions, lobbyists, and political contributors are the reason there has been such careful discrimination by Obama to penalize certain institutions while exempting others. The man is as arrogant and corrupt as anyone I have ever seen or even read about throughout history. Am I the only one who sees it, or am I one of the few willing to call it exactly as I see it?

How does this careful discrimination affect Americans? The banks will simply institute higher rates, fees, and penalties and pass them directly to you the consumer. What can you do? Not utilize the banking system? Try to cash your paycheck any place other than a bank, try to pay cash at a gas station that is closed, try to pay a utility bill with cash. My point is you can't and they have got us by the throat when it comes to those debit cards that make the commerce markets spin round.

So ask yourself the question is this really a penalty on greedy banks or is it a penalty disguised that way because they don't want you to know they essentially raised taxes on every American even if you make less than 250k a year. All of us utilize banks in some form or the other out of necessity and we will all incur those new, higher fees, don't kid yourself.

How's that hope and change working out for Americans so far? Don't believe the political spin this election cycle when Democrats and Obama tells you they didn't raise taxes on low and middle income Americans, now you know the truth. You simply have to recognize it...

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