Friday, January 15, 2010

Desperate Administration

President Obama and his Liberal minions have reached a new all time low even by their already sub par standards. I wonder how many of my friends who chastised me and dismissed most of my initial thoughts about Obama, urging me to give him a chance, have now seen the writing on the wall.

This president will do anything and everything possible to push his agenda through despite overwhelming public outrage from the majority of Americans. Secret backroom meetings and deals are the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how corrupt this president is. He preaches transparency but practices secrecy in essentially every aspect of his Socialist agenda so far.

Now, he is going to Massachusetts to campaign for an attorney general who is running for a senate seat. Never mind the fact that this candidate allowed a man who raped a 2 year old with a curling iron to go free without bail because his father was a powerful union member and political contributor. Never mind the fact that she stood by and watched one of her campaign members assault a journalist and claims she say nothing. Never mind the fact that someone on her campaign staff misspelled the word Massachusetts in her attack ad. Evidently Obama thinks enough of this candidate and her actions that he wants and needs her only to secure passage of his health care bill.

Does this send a message to the other Democrats up for election in 2010 that Obama will be there to support them in their re election bids? Perhaps it does, but do they really want his support based on the overwhelming dissatisfaction for his policies? My thought is no, but they seem willing to sacrifice their careers and blatantly ignore the constituents they represent and continue to go along with him. Why?

There already has been a referendum from the voters in Virginia and New Jersey. If the Democrats lose the senate race in Massachusetts it will be the beginning of the end of the Obama administration and many of the clueless idiots that followed mindlessly behind this president that preached hope and change but left Americans praying for change...

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