Monday, January 11, 2010

Liberal Double Standard

First of all, anyone that describes anyone the way Sen Harry Reid described Obama is a mental f*ck*ng moron. For Obama to say Reid is a "good man" and always on the right side of history makes me want to smack the taste out of both of their mouths.

Ask yourself this one simple question. If Limbaugh, Hannity, Colter, Cheney, Beck, Palin, etc described any black American as " light skinned" and "having no negro dialect unless he chooses to" the Liberals would literally be crying tears of racism and discrimination and demanding resignations and terminations.

However, when a fellow whack job Liberal Democrat moron says it, all is well and forgiven. Hell, apparently that makes him a "good man"...Really? In your heart of hearts does that sit well with you? It makes me absolutely sick.

Most black people I know, would tell you if you said something that offended them or they would simply slap you upside the head. Most white people I know would do the same. The ironic thing in this story is the very same poster child and leader of the Senate is just as racist as our very own president but because they are Liberals nobody, including the media, cares to comment or report on it.

Welcome to the ultra hyper sensitive PC America and if you don't like it you better be a Liberal or keep your mouth shut... Not on my watch Chief...

1 comment:

  1. I hope more of these double standard politicians would slip. I love it! You know that Obama probably wanted to slap him upside the head but had to grin and bare it.
