Friday, January 8, 2010

Felons Vote!

The 9th circut court of appeals in a three judge panel, determined that incarcerated and or supervised criminals should be allowed to vote in Washington state. It was determined that their civil rights are being violated because minorities make up a much higher percentage of the prison population and this violates the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

I don't know about you but I fully support as many Americans voting as possible. However, when you break the law and serve time for doing so, you should forfeit that right until your sentence is served in my opinion. I don't get a particular thrill knowing convicts will be partly responsible for electing the very same officials who write the laws they break...

I also firmly believe we should be able to remove judges when they blantly disregard the constitution and make determinations based on personal preferences. Sounds a little like Sotomayor isn't alone in her "wise Latina" we know whats best for you approach...

Perhaps the 9th circuit will also deem it discriminatory that these same convicted felons aren't able to purchase firearms and just give them all one or two once they are released!

I can't f*ck*ng believe this nonsense! Please God, make it stop!

1 comment:

  1. Once a person has committed a felony, they definitely should not get the right to vote until they have served their sentence and have become fully rehabilitated citizens who are working and paying taxes.

    As for the judges, they will pay a price if not in this lifetime. I concur with your feelings in regards to these judges.
