Saturday, May 29, 2010

Military Should Be Discriminatory

Don't ask, don't tell and don't expect to live either...Why is it so difficult for people to understand that our military is not a social platform where it is acceptable to make political or social statements? Our military is in the business of saving lives and defending our liberties!

What freaking difference does it make if you are gay as long as you understand what your duties are and what’s expected of you? It takes many people acting as a cohesive unit to be successful as a team, and if one person is out of step then the whole team fails.

I will ask again, is being gay more important than being a successful part of the team? Why does anyone have to know if you are gay or straight, are gays looking for preferential treatment? This entire thought process by the freaking Liberal cowards of our nation makes me sick. It is a non issue people, so why make it one? Because the gays want to be noticed, they want you to recognize they are gay and they want it to be in your face. Why? Don't ask me, but my only answer is they are looking for some sort of acceptance they aren't getting form anyone else in their lives and only Jesus has the answer for them but they don't realize it...

The fact is we have a military that discriminates already. Too tall, short, skinny, fat, young, old, smart, dumb, etc and so on. Don't we need it to be this way? When you place your live in the hands of another simply on faith that they will do what they are supposed to do, don't you want them to be qualified to do that job? The simple answer is our military has to be selective and not everyone can make it.

Why do the Liberals feel it so necessary to discriminate against the military on campuses like Berkeley and Harvard but want to be front and center on the issue of repealing don't ask, don't tell? Are they willing to support an entire gay military or are their motives morally justified in the fact they don't agree with any sort of violence, war or otherwise? You see, I can handle it if it is a morality issue but I will not accept the duality hypocritical Liberal double standard and let it slide. Not on my watch Chief!

I don't have anything against making political statements but our military is not the appropriate venue to do so. Isn't it enough that we ask these brave men and women to risk their lives daily without having to subject them to any political bullsh*t along the way?

Remember to honor the ones that gave their lives in an effort to support the Liberal lefts ability to abuse the hell out of every first amendment issue we have and their ability to exercise the ultimate hypocrisy in justifying their hate for our military.

God Bless America.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Unbaised Education

I can't believe all of this garbage going on in our schools right now! How many of you remember your favorite teacher’s name? Most of us, but how many of you knew what their political preference was? I sure didn't. I had several teachers I was extremely fond of but not one of them ever gave me their own personal slant on life. They were educators, mentors, leaders, councilors, and friends.

What happened to that era and commitment of quality teaching? I am not saying today that there aren't many quality teachers that share the same qualities listed above, I am asking why are there so many more bad teachers, schools, superintendents, districts, school boards, etc now than ever before?

I am sure there are many reasons but I want to focus on 2 for now. Parents are detached when it comes to their kids. Most families have both spouses working if they are lucky enough to have both spouses and if not most parents rely on school to raise their children. It won't work. These kids today have absolutely no respect for any authority and are undisciplined. If you want the teachers to raise your kids then they should be able to spank your kids, right? Don't get me started on that...

The real issue here is the damn teachers union. It has become the most powerful union in the country and quite honestly it now does more harm than good. These Liberal whack jobs realize that despite whatever political stance they take or project onto the students, they will be protected. It doesn't matter what political statements they make by cancelling events or indoctrinating 6 year olds, they will be protected.

These teachers have no fear of any consequences for their actions because they will be protected. Therefore, the radical and obstructionist morons will come out and make the news for their actions because they really want kids to be forced to accept their points of view on our world, country, and life in general. Not on my watch Chief!!!

We need to break the teachers union and not guarantee any future pensions that will bankrupt our states and government. There has to be some give and take here. Also teachers should be evaluated based on performance not tenure. If we can't come to this happy medium which the union will never allow, then we should privatize schools. What????

Think about it. The private sector will always outperform government and its red tape bureaucracies every time. Allow then to recruit and pay for excellent teachers, allow them to fund pensions, provide healthcare, and watch the children in those schools skyrocket to success. It will happen if it was ever allowed to and we all know it.

I want to talk more on this issue but perhaps later. I want to thank some of the great teachers I had and recognize them for doing their jobs and making a difference in so many lives along the way. We are quick to condemn teachers but not always willing to offer the praise that is deserved as well, let’s all remember that. Hauselt, Ryan, Freidig, Lamora, Tate, Christensen, Austin, Sydow, you are the very best. Thank you!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Patience or Repeal?

It fascinates me how all of our Liberal friends want us to be patient regarding Obama care and yet they want to repeal and boycott everything Arizona immediately!

One law is definately a violation of civil rights but it sure as hell isn't Arizona's law! I wonder if it is my own Conservative bias or just simple common sense that law enforcement officers have a hell of a lot more to do than look for anyone illegal just to get them deported...Have you ever seen an episode of Cops? There are enough dipsh*ts out there already to keep our police plenty busy, I doubt it is going to become a priority all of a sudden...

We have yet to see any unintended consequences from the Arizona law because it hasn't been implemented yet. The same can't be said for Obama care. Even though it hasn't been implemented yet either except for some bogus safeguard claims, we have already seen the estimated and purposely lowball budget number skyrocket.

There is no free lunch in America anymore people! Unless you are being courted by the Liberals to secure votes, this will cost us dearly for years to come...Look at Europe, see how well there Socialistic attitudes are benefiting their nations right now? Oh by the way, I find it really odd that we are trading US dollars for devalued European currencies which in simple monetary speak is WE ARE ALREADY BAILING OUT GREECE!!!

This spending simply can't go on. Were out of water folks, the well is dry. Remember this when the Liberals ask for your "patience" and make damn sure you put your hand over your wallet or purse...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Be an American First!!!

The beauty of this great nation is the fact that it is made up of so many unique and diverse people, histories, cultures, and heritages. With that being said, BE AN AMERICAN FIRST!!!!

This whole Cinco De Mayo fiasco has really touched a nerve with me. The principal who was admonished for being wrong and making the wrong decision regarding the students in California should offer a public and formal apology so that those students can see the errors of his judgement.

Then, get those damn parents in the auditorium and remind them who is in charge and responsible for their childrens actions. Tell them to go back and offer the other sides point of view regarding the importance of remembering heritage but formally remind them we are Americans!

We are all Americans first, right? We damn well should be! Be proud of your Mexican, African, Jewish, Chinese, Japanese, Native American etc. histories but never forget the fact America is first!

If you don't feel America should be first, then you should get the hell out of here and be productive somewhere else. We don't need you and there are millions more waiting to become legal citizens and strive toward their own American Dream!

Tolerance and acceptance are things many of us have trouble with from time to time but the one constant and true foundation to build upon should be our sense of pride in America. Never forget the thousands upon thousands of brave souls who made and continue to make the ultimate sacrifice to protect America and all of US living here...

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Halliburton Receives "No Bid" contract

President Obozo was going to clean up Washington and restore the public trust in government right? Not so fast my friends...After Obama campaigned against lobbyists and "no bid" contracts he has done exactly the opposite but this latest one will surprise you!

Halliburton was awarded an almost $600 million dollar contract to continue to support the Army with vital services in Iraq. You see even though I am no Halliburton fan, they quite simply are the best at providing these types of services anywhere in the world.

The safety and logistical support given to our troops by this company during a time of war can't be measured and is a much needed necessity. Bush and Cheney already knew this but so far the Liberals who are more interested in politics than the welfare of our troops haven't acknowleged it until now...

Remember this November when the Liberals are still blaming Bush for America's woes, that they have had 2 years to solve any perceived problems and instead all they have done is increased the size and scope of our government and skyrockted our national debt to unstainable levels...

You see, Liberals have no idea how to fight a war or defend this country from terrorists so when they follow the lead of people who do like Bush, I am glad because it is best for our troops and Americans in general, I hate the hypocritical BS that comes out of their mouths before they fall right into line and do the right thing for a change...